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Treating Teens’ Depression May Have a Ripple Effect on Their Families

 Excerpted from The Atlantic, August 11, 2018 Preliminary new research, presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association on Saturday, suggests that when depressed teens go through some version of mental-health treatment, symptoms of depression in their parents lessen. The finding, based on a study of 325 American …

The Benefits of Outside Play

by Sarah E. Macovitz, LSW Growing up, I was always told by my parents, grandparents, teachers and neighbors that playing outside was “good for you.” Of course, this was long before cell phones, video games or other electronic devices that keep our attention nowadays. I have been working on loads …

The Silent Tragedy Affecting Today’s Children

by Victoria Prooday NOTE: The following article appeared in a blog written by Victoria Prooday for the website Faithit. Ms. Prooday is a registered Occupational Therapist, Psychotherapist, and founder and clinical director of a multidisciplinary clinic for children and parents. The views expressed in this article are her own, and do not …

Suicide Is Preventable – Get Help

The well-publicized recent suicides of two celebrities has resulted in a surge of calls to suicide hotlines nationwide. It’s a good time to remind everyone that help is available for those who are in despair. If you or someone you know is hurting, please seek out the support you need. …

Using Verbal Reinforcement with Your Child

by Louise Kotel, LSW Kids tend to have good days and bad. As parents, it’s easy to focus on the bad moments, times and days. We’re quick to redirect, consequent, and become frustrated with behaviors our children are displaying. We tend to get the negative reports from school, daycare and/or …

Expert Recommends Ways to Talk to Your Children About School Shootings

Source: CNYCcentral.com The horrific images coming out of Texas and Florida following recent school shootings are difficult for adults to process, so how can we help our children make sense of the something so awful? “As adults it’s so easy for us to want to put our own worries or …

Yikes…I mean yay! It’s summer!!

Do you dream about and anticipate the warm, lazy days of summer…until they’re actually here? Do you then start to loathe the thought of kids having too much time on their hands? Within minutes of school being out for the summer, we start hearing the all-too-familiar words “I’m bored!” — …

Depression Through the Eyes of a Teenager

Recently one of our Alta Behavioral HealthCare clients created a poem about Depression and shared it with us. We feel this poem and accompanying illustration gives a powerful insight into what it can be like to suffer from this condition. With the permission of the client and the client’s parents, …

How Well Does Your Child Sleep at Night?

by Rochelle R. Perrotta, LPCC-S One of the main concerns I have heard from parents over the years is difficulty getting their children to sleep throughout the night. Many times, children struggle to fall asleep or wake up frequently. Sometimes children have restless sleep patterns or even nightmares. Problems with …

Infant Mortality Program Helps Pregnant Moms

Are you or is someone you know pregnant? We’re here to help! The Infant Mortality Program at Alta Behavioral Healthcare provides services to pregnant women in order to assist them in establishing healthy lifestyles for healthy pregnancies. Our certified Community Health Workers are trained to identify women who are at …

To Hear Someone Say “I’ve Been There,” and Know They Mean It!

So many times as a transition-aged youth or as a parent, it is common to feel…uncommon. Individuals often keep thoughts, feelings or difficulties to themselves, fearing they will not be understood. What a relief it would be to talk to someone who has already lived through your experience, and found …

How to Help Your Children with Test Anxiety

by Bethany Koenig State testing season is here and with standardized tests come anxiety — for teachers, children and their parents. The pressure is high and the children are feeling it! All children experience anxiety, and anxiety is a normal response to something that is dangerous or stressful. The good news …

Screen Time and Its Impact on Your Child’s Well-Being

Screen time is defined as any time a child or teen spends in front of a television, computer, video game or mobile device. The American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends youth have less than two hours per day of screen time. However, most youth spend closer to eight hours each …

Expert Recommends Ways to Talk to Your Children About School Shootings

Source: CNYCcentral.com The horrific images coming out of Florida following the school shooting are difficult for adults to process, so how can we help our children make sense of the something so awful? “As adults it’s so easy for us to want to put our own worries or our own …

New Study Finds Children’s Resilience Affects How They Cope with Bullying

This article, published on Florida Atlantic University’s website — summarizes the findings of a recent study on bullying that was co-authored by a researcher from FAU. While in no way minimizing the problems that bullying causes, it points out that we can do more than simply protect our children from bullying — we can …