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How to Keep Your Active Toddler Busy

Toddlers require at least three hours of physical activity throughout the day since it is crucial for their physical, emotional and social development. There are many reasons for parents to encourage their toddler to be active. For example, regular activity strengthens kids’ cardiovascular systems, improves coordination and movement control, encourages positive self-esteem and lengthens their attention spans.

As many parents learn, the toddler years can be exhausting. As a child transitions from baby age to toddler-hood, he or she thrives on new experiences and curiosity. But it can be arduous for parents to keep their toddler occupied longer than a few minutes.

Luckily, there are some easy methods parents can use to encourage physical activity while helping to manage the “busyness” and unpredictability that can sometimes result.

This article from babygaga.com collects ten of the most effective methods. It’s a great resource for parents of little ones who seem to always be “on the go.”