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There Is Hope

by Meg Harris   As a counselor in the mental health field for many years, I have been exposed to a lot of children and families who struggle with emotional difficulties and behavioral concerns. Many people have reported that they were initially reluctant to seek out professional assistance because they didn’t …

Screaming Children and Parent-Shaming

It’s hard enough to remain calm and composed when you’re in a tunnel 540 feet below ground with a bunch of strangers. But when a child of one those strangers is throwing a long and loud tantrum, it can really test your coping skills. I know, because it happened to me. …

Let Them Fail

Instinct. It’s part of our makeup, our character. It just is. But what are we to do when we need to go against our instincts — to do nothing when every fiber of our being is saying “STOP! Don’t let that happen”? As a parent, you learn very quickly that …

“That Kid Is Hopeless”

I remember walking into a school not long ago and hearing a heated argument that was taking place between a student and his teacher. The student was being told to remove an article of clothing that wasn’t allowed. Even when being threatened with discipline, including a suspension for not complying …

The Invisible Child

How do you feel when you see a child with a physical disability, or one suffering from a serious illness or developmental disability? You may have a natural emotional reaction and feel sad or sympathetic. You might look for a way to help — perhaps with a donation or a …

Frustrated with your child’s behavior? Here’s what to do.

Your child’s room looks like a pigsty, you have to nag your daughter to do her homework and you’ve had to remind your son yet again to take the garbage out. And those are the small things. Then you get another call from the school because your son got in …

What is the “right” type of parent?

When you apply for a job, what’s the first thing the employer wants to know? When you apply to a college or technical program, what’s the first thing the program wants to know? Typically, they want to know if you’re the “right kind of person” for the job and whether …

A new name, and a new website

Welcome to Alta Care Group’s new brand name and website! This is a very exciting time for our organization as we are growing, creating new partnerships and alliances, and developing new ways to fulfill our mission. Our new website helps mark the official introduction of our new identity, although we …