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Effective Bedtime Routines *FREE VIRTUAL CLASS*

When a child won’t go to bed without arguing, or if they won’t stay in their bed, they end up overtired. That begins to affect their overall health, behavior and learning ability.

Understanding more about what you can do to get your daily routines running smoothly can help everybody get a good night’s sleep. It’s a lot easier with the right support!

There are positive solutions to help your crying, tired child and put a stop to bedtime battles. With a positive plan and the right skills and strategies, you can turn things around so the whole family gets a good night’s sleep — and everyone is happier and healthier. 

Learn how to approach bedtime and useful tips in the FREE VIRTUAL EVENT “Effective Bedtime Routines” TUESDAY MARCH 22nd from 5-7 p.m. live via Zoom. This FREE VIRTUAL EVENT is open to anyone.

Registration is encouraged but not necessary for the class.

Please email Marci at [email protected] to register.

Brought to you by Alta Care Group and Triple P®


Meeting ID: 830 9084 5558

Passcode: 822207

This free virtual class is presented by Alta Behavioral Healthcare and Triple P.