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Next Youth Move Meeting Is Tuesday, May 28

Youth Move is a support group consisting of progressive teens and young adults who gather monthly in a judgment-free setting to encourage participants to take an active role in personal recovery and to self-actualize their recovery goals.

It is led by Alta Care Group Peer Supporters and Parent Supporters. Youth Move is a part of our Peer Support Program, which is sponsored by the Strong Families/Safe Community grant.

Our next Youth Move meeting will take place Tuesday, May 28 at 5:00 pm at Alta’s Youngstown location, 711 Belmont Ave.

The agenda will be:



Sign in, grab food and snack


Welcome and Announcements about future meetings


Ice Breaker: Two Truths and One Lie

  • Explain how it works
  • Pass out paper and pen


Open up meeting (everyone goes around and shares something they did today, something that bothered them, something that made them happy, etc.)


Wrap up the meeting, mention next month’s meeting date and time, and thank everyone for coming.